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DATE: May 28, 2022
Virtual Adjudication via Zoom: 1:30-2:30pm
Deadline to submit: May 14, 2022 at 11:00pm
Vocal Adjudicator: Catherine Robbin
Instrumental Adjudicator: Thomas Green




*The 2022 Zone Competition will be held virtually via YouTube Submission. Please submit one YouTube link per piece. Performers should not announce their pieces in the video. Instead, please put the performer's name, piece and composer in the title of the video. A separate PDF of each score need to be submitted to at time of registration.


Please review rules below prior to registration.






  • Please note that the rules listed below, including the time limit, must be strictly adhered to at the Branch, Zone, and Provincial Levels. Failure to comply with these rules will result in disqualification. Competitors are therefore advised to read all information carefully.

  • Competitors must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents (landed immigrants). The competitors must be studying with an Active ORMTA teacher as of January 1, 2022. This teacher must be the Competitor’s principal teacher and must be a member in good standing.

  • In Zone Level Competition, competitors must compete in their teacher’s Zone.

  • Before being eligible to proceed to the Provincial Level Instrumental Competition, competitors must have participated in both Branch and Zone Level Competitions, and obtained a First-Class Honours standing (80% or above) at both levels.

  • Each Zone may send ONE competitor to Provincial Level Instrumental Competition 

  • Competitors may enter both the Provincial Instrumental Competition and the Provincial Vocal Competition in the same year.

  • Competitors may not enter both the Provincial Instrumental Competition and the Provincial Young Artist Competition in the same year.

  • With a new programme, previous winners may re-enter the Provincial Instrumental Competition one additional time, not necessarily in consecutive years.

  • Competitors must not have reached their 23rd birthday as of January 1, 2022.

  • Competitors are responsible for their own expenses (travel, accommodation, collaborative pianist, etc.)

  • Programme:

• The programme must be at a level of difficulty equal to Level/Grade 10 and/or Associate. To avoid disappointment, we recommend that the programme be taken from any officially recognized Canadian syllabus, such as that of the Royal Conservatory of Music, Conservatory Canada, Canadian National Conservatory of Music, Contemporary Showcase or the Canadian Music Showcase.

  • The programme must contain a minimum of 15 minutes of repertoire with a maximum of 20 minutes of stage time, including accompaniment if applicable. Stage time is defined as the time between the first note of the performance and when the final selection concludes. Once 20 minutes has been reached, the competitor will be stopped.

  • Competitors must play two or more pieces from different eras within the time limit. The stylistic balance of the programme will be considered in the adjudication.

  • The same programme must be performed and adjudicated at all levels of the competition (Branch, Zone, and Provincial Levels).

  • The use of photocopied material is prohibited for competitors and collaborative pianists. Competitors must provide original music for the adjudicator(s).

  • Competitors must perform all repertoire selections from memory. Collaborative pianists may use legal music.

  • Applications

Zone Level Competitions:

• Competitors must use the Application Form for the Zone where they will be competing. They must also abide by the Zone’s deadlines and pay its application fee. If you win your Zone Level Competition, be sure to have the adjudicator(s) sign the Signature and Media Waiver form where indicated. The form is available of the Provincial Website. A signed Signature and Media Waiver form is required for Provincial Level Competition.




  • Please note that the rules listed below, including the time limit, must be strictly adhered to at the Branch, Zone, and Provincial Levels. Failure to comply with these rules will result in disqualification. Competitors are therefore advised to read all information carefully.

  • Competitors must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents (landed immigrants). The competitors must be studying with an Active ORMTA teacher as of January 1, 2022. This teacher must be the Competitor’s principal teacher and must be a member in good standing.

  • In Branch Level Competition, competitors must compete in their teacher’s Branch.

  • In Zone Level Competition, competitors must compete in their teacher’s Zone.

  • Before being eligible to proceed to the Provincial Level Vocal Competition, competitors must have participated in both the Branch and Zone Level Vocal Competitions, and obtained a First-Class Honours standing (80 % or above) at both levels.

  • Each Zone may send ONE competitor to the Provincial Level Vocal Competition (3 in the graphic above).

  • Competitors may enter both the Provincial Vocal Competition and the Provincial Instrumental Competition in the same year.

  • Competitors may not enter both the Provincial Vocal Competition and the Provincial Young Artist Competition in the same year.

  • With a new programme, previous winners may re-enter the Provincial Vocal Competition one additional time, not necessarily in consecutive years.

  • Competitors must not have reached their 25th birthday as of January 1, 2022.

  • Competitors are responsible for their own expenses (travel, accommodation, collaborative pianists, etc.).

  • Branch Presidents must provide the Provincial Performance Competitions Convener with information (as outlined in the checklist below) about the winners from their Branch.

  • Zone Competition Coordinators must provide the Provincial Performance Competitions Convener with information (as outlined in the checklist below) about the winners from their Zone.


• The programme must be at a level of difficulty equal to Level/Grade 9, 10, and/or Associate. To avoid disappointment, we recommend that the programme be taken from any officially recognized Canadian syllabus, such as that of the Royal Conservatory of Music, Conservatory Canada, the Contemporary Showcase or the Canadian Music Showcase.

  • The programme must contain a minimum of 15 minutes of repertoire with a maximum of 20 minutes of stage time, including accompaniment. Stage time is defined as the time between the first note of the performance and when the final selection concludes. Once 20 minutes has been reached, the competitor will be stopped.

  • Competitors must perform at least three selections in two or more languages, styles, and eras within the time limit. Repertoire should be chosen carefully to reflect the experience and maturity of the student. The style and suitability of the repertoire for the performer, as well as the stylistic balance of the programme, will be considered in the adjudication.

  • The same programme must be performed and adjudicated at all levels of the Competition (Branch, Zone, and Provincial Levels).

  • The use of photocopied material is prohibited for competitors and collaborative pianists. Competitors must provide original music for the adjudicator(s).

  • Competitors must perform all repertoire selections from memory. Collaborative pianists may use legal music.


  • Applications:

Zone Level Competitions:

• Competitors must use the Application Form for the Zone where they will be competing. They must also abide by the Zone’s deadlines and pay its application fee. If you win your Zone Level Competition, be sure to have the adjudicator(s) sign the Signature and Media Waiver form where indicated. The form is available of the Provincial Website. A signed Signature and Media Waiver form is required for Provincial Level Competition.


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